♦14Jun10 Rolly Jancher.

I've told myself this a million times already, but I'll say it again. My school is stupid as hell for still having class while every other school is on break. It f-cking sucks having to worry about midterms/finals while everyone else is back in town, enjoying their break. Starting summer school right after spring ends doesn't exactly help either..

Every now and then I wonder who actually reads my blogs. Honestly, I'm not expecting many people to actually follow 'cause lets face it, this isn't tumblr or anything. There's also no rhyme, reason, or pattern to my posts. I just though it would be cool to have even one person visit my site for like Poland or something. Or just a completely random person. It'd be pretty cool for a foreigner or stranger to look through my page and be able to connect to at least something. But the thing is, I'll never know who actually comes to my site. For all I know, my page could have had zero visitors for the past eight months and I'd still be here typing away about.. fingernails or something. My site isn't really linked anywhere except for the people on the right bar. They all have either moved on to another site (namely tumblr) or stopped blogging completely with the exception of a couple of people.

I guess a comment every now and then wouldn't hurt. An anonymous note might even be better. Either way, I don't mind blogging to an audience I'll never know.


Unknown said...

hahha here is your anonymous post.

Don't stress too much about school, I'm sure your future is bright. Good Luck.