♦10Jun10 Get away from these liars.

Lately, I can't stop thinking about how cool sumo wrestling is. Two obese men shoving the crap out of each other? That's craaaaazy. Where else would you see that? On top of that, it's highly respectable and traditional and all that good stuff. I regret not trying to go watch a match when I was in Japan.. If I ever go back, I'm watching for sure.

I've been having urges lately to start working again. I feel like I'm wasting away my free time on weekends doing stupid sh-t when I could be making money instead. It makes me feel really bad knowing that people around my age are sacrificing their weekends/free time doing something productive. You know, the whole contributing-to-society shmeal. I quit my last job for school but I think if I ask for less hours, everything would be alright. I know that once I get a job, I'll start hating work again but as of now, I'm really missing the feeling of making money.

Coincidentally, the other day one of my old managers contacted me and asked if I was looking for a summer job. I told her maybe, 'cause I wasn't sure if I was ready to give up my summer and I kinda sorta want to stay away from retail.. Especially for the wage I've been working for. If I get a bit more, then I'd lean more towards going back. Requesting off and getting shifts covered is a b-tch though. Also, my old work is known for not re-hiring ex-employees so it's not a for-sure thing. Then again, management switched hands since I've been gone so you never know.