Recently reality-checked.
I had one of those random depressed fits a couple of days ago. Aside for making me feel like crap, it made me think about how much time I waste on a daily basis. I spend hours on end checking my email, window internet shopping, facebooking, reading blogs, and checking my youtube subscriptions for updates everyday. A single match of a game I'm playing could take anywhere from 30 to 50 minutes. Two measly games can burn over an hour of my day. This got me thinking: if I cut back or drop these useless habits, I can accomplish so much more with my life. I would be so much more prepared for class and stuff if I spent my time at home going over notes and studying.
Soon after, I started spending my time more productively, cutting back on video games and pointless internet surfing.
Until I realized it was boring and went back to my old ways.
God what a useless blog. Oh yeah, note to self: start paying attention to detail. Maybe I'll get farther in life that way.
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